Sunday, April 26, 2009

Tulips & Chuck E. Cheese

I thought my tulips were especially lovely Friday morning--it froze overnight and they had just a bit of frost on them. We also had some daffodils but my camera wouldn't take any good pictures of them . . .

So, when I was up in Bremerton for my grandpa's funeral, I was driving my niece & nephew somewhere and I asked them (in preparation for Easter the next day) if they knew who it was that was resurrected on Easter. First they guessed the Easter Bunny. Then a rabbit (because that is SO different from a bunny). Finally I told them that it was Jesus. Apparently I have a speech impediment or something because in response Monroe said "Cheeses? Chuck E Cheeses?" He was SO excited that someone as cool as Chuck E Cheeses was resurrected on Easter. Then when I told him "No, Jesus." he said "Oh, him." sounding awfully disappointed.

The company I work for is going through their annual audit this week. My boss was prepping me on how to act around the auditors. It's sort of like being cross examined in court--you just answer exactly what they ask and don't add anything else. (We've all seen enough Law & Order episodes to know that those extra tidbits often get you into trouble). I am also supposed to wear shirts that require ironing rather than t-shirts. AND I am supposed to eliminate the sarcastic remarks. In response to this I asked "So basically you want me to change my entire personality for the week?" and he said yes. All of these requirements are easy for me except the no smart aleck comments one. I can't help myself. Sometimes my boss will come ask me "How did you come up with the amount for such-and-such journal entry you did?" and if I don't know off the top of my head I'll say something like "Oh, Excel has this great random number generator, so whenever I'm not sure what amount to use I just go there and it gives me a number." So all week after every funny comment I made he would say "That was funny, but don't say that around the auditors." One thing I think he's forgotten is that our big shredder in the main office has a sign on it that says "Mandy's In Box" and I'm guessing that's just the kind of thing the auditors won't find amusing...

Won't it be nice in a couple more months when I can write about the baby instead of trying to make my boring life sound interesting

Friday, April 24, 2009

I finally hit the big 3-0

Well, not me exactly, but Charlie. He is officially 30 weeks now and I am beginning to think I may not actually be pregnant forever. I had another ultrasound today and apparently he measures bigger than that so my due date is now June 23rd instead of July 3rd. But due dates are just a big huge guess anyway, so I'm sticking with July 3rd.

Things I will not miss once the baby is born:
1. Maternity Nylons. Before Jerel and I got married I warned him that a woman putting on control-top pantyhose was one of the most unattractive sights he would ever see. I have now had to change that because putting on maternity nylons is way worse.
2. Throat burn. That is what I call heartburn because I don't really feel it in my heart, so why call it heartburn?
3. People rubbing my belly. Do I look like a genie lamp or something?
4. Smiling when people say "Wow, you're getting so BIG!"
5. Taking iron supplements
6. Being enormous

I'm sure there are more but that's all I can think of right now.

Anyway, everything looks good with the baby. I thought he took after Jerel because in today's ultrasound he really did have his hand covering his face when she was trying to get pictures, but then she also said that the baby must be eating a lot because his stomach measures bigger than any other part of him so maybe he'll be like me after all...

We did, by the way, finally settle on and purchase a crib. They had to order it so we won't have it for a couple more weeks, but it is nice to have that done. If you're so excited that you can't wait to see it, here's a picture of it. Except ours will be white. I thought it might never happen. In fact after we finally settled on which one to get I suggested that Jerel call the store to place the order. "Now?" "Yes, why not?" "Well, it just seems so, you know, sudden." Of course, because we'd only been talking about it for four months...Now that we have a crib, all we need is, um, everything else! Not really, we have received many wonderful gifts and we are now the official hand-me-down recipients for my nephew Cooper. He is a very stylish little fellow so we're very fortunate there.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Some Things Never Change

I just got home after spending the weekend up in Washington for my Grandpa's funeral. Everything went well & I even held off tears until the honor guard did their gun salute and then presented the flag to my grandma.

Things like this make you realize how quickly life can change, but fortunately there are some things you can always count on. My dad's tie is one of those things. The first picture there is of my mom & dad in 1974. And the second picture is of my dad wearing the same tie just today. Yep, that's a 35-year life span on that tie.

Anyway, I had a good trip, considering the circumstances, and on my way home picked up Jerel from the airport. He spent the weekend in Utah for his niece Mollie's baby blessing and he had a good time hanging out with his family. I would ask him for some fun details to put on the blog, but "24" is on right now so it is no-talking hour at my house!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Charles Reid "Bill" Greene

In my grandpa's biography he wrote, "I've been writing this story of my life over a period of about three years, one chapter at a time and not in any order. Any time I would think about a chapter for my own family, I couldn't think of anything to say. This happened several times and I couldn't figure out why I didn't have anything to say about my family. Finally, it dawned on me that it is because my feelings for these very special people in my life run so deep that it is overwhelming. It has always been very hard for me to express my feelings, even to Sunny. I love these people with every bone in my body and would literally lay down my life for any one of them."

Although he was never called on to give his life for any of us, he did live his life for us. It seems that everything he did was in some way so that his children, then grandchildren, and now great-grandchildren could have the things they needed. He was, until the last few years, so shy and quiet, but even in his silence there was strength. Jerel reminds me of him in that way.

I have always admired his relationship with my grandma. He said "Sunny has been the love of my life since I was sixteen years old." This Sunday would have been their 62nd wedding anniversary.

He is a good, good man who inspired those around him to be better as well. I miss him already.
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