Saturday, March 27, 2010

Where's Isaiah?

Isaiah's learned how to play peek-a-boo!  Jerel taught him and we think it's pretty fun to watch.  He's getting so smart!  Smarter than his mom for sure...apparently I recorded it upside-down and I can't figure out how to get youtube to put it right-side-up.  But you'll still get the idea.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Someone needs a bath...

I never really understood why parents thought it was cute to take pictures of their kids with food all over their faces. It's not cute, it's just messy. Now that I'm a mom I still don't get why other parents do it because their kids still just look messy, but MY kid looks so darn cute! We got him these "biter biscuits" which are basically like a dog treat but more expensive. ZayZay's getting better at chewing solid-ish things, but his table manners and more refined eating skills could use some work.
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Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Okay, so not my best parenting moment ever...I think he looks so cute with his hat on. So I put it on him and was snapping pictures. He, however, doesn't think he looks so cute with his hat on and only wants to get it off. Here you can see the progression from "what's that on my head?" to "why do you put this annoying thing on my head?" to "get it off now!" The third picture is followed immediately by him falling backwards, back arched trying to look up at the hat, head slamming into the hardwood floors. After he hit, I momentarily considered taking a photo of him screaming just to complete the series. In the end I decided allowing it to happen was bad enough and that photographing it would definitely put me over the line of excusable parenting errors.
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Cutest boy ever?

I think so. I put the hat on him thinking it might mash his hair down flat, but it didn't work. Isn't he cute though?
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Manly Men

Here's Isaiah and Dad having some male bonding time.
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Isaiah's new wheels

Here's our boy on his new toy. I am trying to make him like it, but so far he just falls off. He likes to sit by it and play with it, he just doesn't like to ride on it. He likes to look in the trunk part, which is actually on the front, so I'm guessing that Playskool must be a division of Volkswagen and they're trying to go retro with the whole front trunk thing.

Once he's figured out how to ride on the toy we're going to start working on appropriate vs. inappropriate hand gestures...
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Thursday, March 4, 2010

Need some extra credit?

10 bonus points for anyone who knows what movie this quote is from. Our doorbell was broken and I had to put a sign on it because people kept thinking they were ringing it. Then I thought "That would be so funny to put 'bell out of order...please knock.'" I was waiting for someone to ring it anyway (it did sort of work sometimes) so that I could stick my head out and say "Can't you read" and they'd say "Read what?" and I'd say "The notice" and they'd say "What notice?" etc.

Jerel didn't think it was funny at all, but my friend's 4 and 5 year old daughters knew exactly what it was from. I'm so cool.
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