Monday, December 21, 2009

Who does Isaiah look like?

Isaiah is the one in the middle. The people in the other 4 photos will remain a mystery until all the votes are counted. In the event that no one thinks he looks like me, we will have to have a recount.

For voting, put "1" in the comments if you think he looks like the mysterious person in the top left; "2" for top right; "3" for bottom left; "4" for bottom right.

UPDATE:  Trudy wins--she knew that #1 (top left) is Jerel and #4 (bottom right) is me.  FYI #2 is my dad and #3 is my uncle.  A lot of people on my side of the family think he looks like my uncle.  My sister Theresa thought that picture #1 was another picture of Isaiah thrown in as a trick, but no, that's Jerel.  Truthfully aside from his blue eyes he doesn't look a bit like me, he mostly looks like his daddy.
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Breaking News!

Look what our microwave did! Jerel put in his leftover beef & broccoli (sans broccoli because we didn't have any) and when he went to get it out this is what the plate looked like. I thought it was very cool and started taking pictures. Jerel thought it wasn't very cool because it left him with nothing to eat for lunch. I think the coolness of it outweighs the starvation effect. Also I think it's pretty impressive that I bought these cheap clear glass plates at walmart probably 10 years ago and this is the first one to break.
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Friday, December 18, 2009

Isaiah and Luke

Luke is the son of one of my visiting teachers. He's about a month younger than Isaiah. My other visiting teacher has a little girl, Laney, who is Isaiah's girlfriend and is about 2 months older than him. So it's pretty much like a pre-nursery class when they come over! It will be fun when they get a little older because we all live in the same neighborhood so I'm sure they'll be able to play together a lot. In the mean time they just lay around together having drooling contests and such.
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Our little sleepyhead

This is what Isaiah did when I put him in his bumbo chair to eat the other day. I guess he was just a little too tired!
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Thursday, December 10, 2009

Isaiah eating solids for the first time

This is out of order but now that I've figured out how to post a video I thought I'd add this one. It's Isaiah eating baby food for the first time. Admitedly it's not all that interesting, but we thought we should document the occasion anyway.

Isaiah rolls over

Here's the video of Isaiah rolling over that I tried to post a while back. As you're watching, the excitement doesn't really kick in for about 30 seconds, but just sit tight because the grand finale is definitely worth the wait!

He's definitely his mama's baby!

He sure loves to eat! We started him on rice cereal about a month ago and after an extended warming-up period he's now decided he loves it. He's figuring out how to swallow it so we can make it much thicker now. His favorite trick though is to get a whole mouthful and then sneeze. When it was runnier it would just leave wet spots on my clothes but now I get little white globs all over me like I've been in the middle of a mashed potato blizzard.

Speaking of blizzards we're having a "Cold Snap" here and I keep telling Jerel I want it to snow and knock out the power. I LOVE it when the power goes out and Jerel just doesn't get the excitement of it. I tell him all the benefits--you get to light candles, wear your coat and scarf inside, play board games, complain about how there's no tv, and laugh at yourself everytime you walk into a room and flip the light switch even though the power's out. Yet he still prefers having electricity.
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Isn't he a cutie pie?

Here's Isaiah on his five-month birthday. This is one of his rare happy moments...he has been so cranky lately and cries anytime we put him down. Pretty soon we'll have to rename him Cry-saiah. Even so, we still love him and enjoy him. He's growing again. Now when we put him in the exersaucer his feet reach the ground and he jumps up and down. He's already starting to grow out of some of his 6-month size clothes! Anyway, I put him down to type this blog posting, so guess who's screaming...

You can see more of today's at-home photo shoot here
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