Thursday, December 10, 2009

He's definitely his mama's baby!

He sure loves to eat! We started him on rice cereal about a month ago and after an extended warming-up period he's now decided he loves it. He's figuring out how to swallow it so we can make it much thicker now. His favorite trick though is to get a whole mouthful and then sneeze. When it was runnier it would just leave wet spots on my clothes but now I get little white globs all over me like I've been in the middle of a mashed potato blizzard.

Speaking of blizzards we're having a "Cold Snap" here and I keep telling Jerel I want it to snow and knock out the power. I LOVE it when the power goes out and Jerel just doesn't get the excitement of it. I tell him all the benefits--you get to light candles, wear your coat and scarf inside, play board games, complain about how there's no tv, and laugh at yourself everytime you walk into a room and flip the light switch even though the power's out. Yet he still prefers having electricity.
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