Sunday, April 19, 2015

Free Range

Free Range Parenting is totally my style.  Let the kids be outside, let them be free from supervision, let them explore, let them know that no one is watching.  I think it fosters confidence, independence, etc.  Sadly I live in a neighborhood that doesn't really believe in it.  Now, my kids are 4 and 5.  I don't think they should wander the neighborhood solo, and they don't.  But I do think it's okay for them to be this far ahead of me on our walk to school.  They know the rules.  In this picture, they've both stopped at the parking lot driveway to check for cars, even though there are none and even though there is no crossing guard at this time of day to make sure they follow the rules.  It's not uncommon for people to stop and ask if they are my children and express concern that they are far away from me.  Even at the neighborhood playground I've been criticized for watching from the park bench rather than standing by them as they climb on the structure, "but she could fall!"  Yes, yes she could.  I could go on about this forever.  I'm happy to let other parents helicopter all they want, it entertains me to see them follow their toddlers around the playground giving a running commentary on what that toddler is doing, but it's just not my style.  There are so many ways to parent a child.  It just so happens that these children are mine, so I get to pick the way I think is best for them.

Half Marathon

I ran my first half marathon!  Also accurate:  I ran my last half marathon!  My old stake sponsored it.  I loved that they were sponsoring something healthy rather than something where we all just get together and eat so I wanted to support that.  Next year I'll support that by walking it instead because 13.1 miles is kind of a silly long way to run.

Actually, I sort of wanted to try it out and see if I'd catch the running bug so many people seem to have.  I kind of hoped I would since it's a relatively inexpensive and highly healthy hobby, but no such luck.  I hate running just as much after the half marathon as I did before.

But it was fun (in a chinese water torture sort of way).  A big group of gals from the old ward participated and we did practice runs together and such.  And although I didn't love it, there is a feeling of accomplishment that goes with it.  Plus a feeling of legitimacy when I say "I don't like running."

Auntie helps with homework

I don't remember what Ivy came down for.  Maybe Rick had a work conference or something.  Anyway, Ivy came and helped Zay with his homework (not real homework from school, just the extra homework I torture him with because what they give him at school is way too easy).  While they did that, Eliza practiced her jumping skills.  No Aunts were injured in the process.  We love it when people come to visit!  We even have two sofa beds and a super comfy air bed (not the old leaky camping style air bed we used to make people sleep on).  So come on over!

Air show

We got tickets to the air show through Jerel's work.  The kids were super excited.  I hadn't been to it for probably 6 or 7 years and it was fun!  Isaiah's favorite part was when we walked past this red airplane.  He said, "What!  I can't believe Sport Clips is here!"  That's where he gets his hair cut.  I think we haven't properly explained advertising and sponsorship and such.


I try really hard to foster independence in my children.  If there is something they can do themselves, I encourage them to do it.  I had so many college roommates who had never done basic things like laundry or writing checks and I don't want my kids to leave home unprepared.  Not that anyone needs to know how to write a check anymore, and not that my kids are leaving home for another decade and a half, but it's a parenting philosophy that I think works best when you start young.  And the kids seem to mostly enjoy it.  Like this, "Mom, I knew you were busy, so I got my own yogurt."

Eliza's First Day of Preschool

This was Eliza's first day of "real" preschool.  Last year we did preschool with some other moms at our houses, and the year before that we did a baby book club, but this is the first time she's gone to an actual preschool.  It was a totally different experience from Isaiah's preschool days.  She was shy and hesitant to talk to the teacher and kids, but at the same time had no problem with me leaving her there.  Zay used to always beg me to stay.  She's in an afternoon class.  At the beginning of the year there were only 4 kids in the class!  Now they are up to 6, and 4 of them are from our ward.  It's so nice for her to have friends she already knows in there.  She sees them on Sunday, they've come to our house, she's been to their houses, and two of them (twins) were in our mommy preschool last year.

I love this moment when Zay jumped in to help her get her backpack on.  He is such a kind older brother and loves to help her with things that he's done before.