Sunday, April 19, 2015

Half Marathon

I ran my first half marathon!  Also accurate:  I ran my last half marathon!  My old stake sponsored it.  I loved that they were sponsoring something healthy rather than something where we all just get together and eat so I wanted to support that.  Next year I'll support that by walking it instead because 13.1 miles is kind of a silly long way to run.

Actually, I sort of wanted to try it out and see if I'd catch the running bug so many people seem to have.  I kind of hoped I would since it's a relatively inexpensive and highly healthy hobby, but no such luck.  I hate running just as much after the half marathon as I did before.

But it was fun (in a chinese water torture sort of way).  A big group of gals from the old ward participated and we did practice runs together and such.  And although I didn't love it, there is a feeling of accomplishment that goes with it.  Plus a feeling of legitimacy when I say "I don't like running."

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