Sunday, April 19, 2015

Eliza's First Day of Preschool

This was Eliza's first day of "real" preschool.  Last year we did preschool with some other moms at our houses, and the year before that we did a baby book club, but this is the first time she's gone to an actual preschool.  It was a totally different experience from Isaiah's preschool days.  She was shy and hesitant to talk to the teacher and kids, but at the same time had no problem with me leaving her there.  Zay used to always beg me to stay.  She's in an afternoon class.  At the beginning of the year there were only 4 kids in the class!  Now they are up to 6, and 4 of them are from our ward.  It's so nice for her to have friends she already knows in there.  She sees them on Sunday, they've come to our house, she's been to their houses, and two of them (twins) were in our mommy preschool last year.

I love this moment when Zay jumped in to help her get her backpack on.  He is such a kind older brother and loves to help her with things that he's done before.

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