Monday, October 15, 2012

Almost there

Here's the new house, just about finished.  The last few weeks seems to have dragged along waiting for our closing date to arrive, and it still isn't here.  Some things I won't miss after we move:

1.  Living by the dump.  For the most part it's been fine, but there are days now and then when it just smells all day.
2.  Not having air conditioning.  A true trial for me.  I think I was born with extra & overactive sweat glands or something.  And of course we had like the longest, hottest summer ever while living A/C-free in the rental.
3.  Having a kitchen junk drawer that is only 4 inches wide.  
4.  Carpeting in the dining room.  What a dumb idea.  I vacuum it way too often, but it's never often enough. I've found, though, that if the kids spill food it's better to just wait 24 hours for it to crust over and then it vacuums right up instead of mushing into the carpet.  They sure spill a lot too--I think our vacuum bag probably counts as a 72-hour supply of food.
5.  Tiled kitchen & bathroom counters.  Those are the most annoying thing ever.  The grout lines are never clean.
6.  Sliding glass doors and their accompanying screen doors.
7.  Having half of my stuff boxed up in the garage.
8.  Parking outside
9.  A dishwasher that melts our plastic plates (which my children cry about), and refuses to wash sippy cups without turning them upside down and filling them with dish water.
10.  Making visitors sleep on the floor in Isaiah's bedroom.  Usually on an under-inflated air mattress, and often while freezing because the blankets are lost (see #7)

I'm sure there are more things; I'll add them to the list as I think of them.