Sunday, April 19, 2015

Free Range

Free Range Parenting is totally my style.  Let the kids be outside, let them be free from supervision, let them explore, let them know that no one is watching.  I think it fosters confidence, independence, etc.  Sadly I live in a neighborhood that doesn't really believe in it.  Now, my kids are 4 and 5.  I don't think they should wander the neighborhood solo, and they don't.  But I do think it's okay for them to be this far ahead of me on our walk to school.  They know the rules.  In this picture, they've both stopped at the parking lot driveway to check for cars, even though there are none and even though there is no crossing guard at this time of day to make sure they follow the rules.  It's not uncommon for people to stop and ask if they are my children and express concern that they are far away from me.  Even at the neighborhood playground I've been criticized for watching from the park bench rather than standing by them as they climb on the structure, "but she could fall!"  Yes, yes she could.  I could go on about this forever.  I'm happy to let other parents helicopter all they want, it entertains me to see them follow their toddlers around the playground giving a running commentary on what that toddler is doing, but it's just not my style.  There are so many ways to parent a child.  It just so happens that these children are mine, so I get to pick the way I think is best for them.

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