After some discussion concerning whose pictures would be on top and who would have more I finally came up with our current system. Each niece/nephew has an 8x8 page with their name on it and only the pictures that fit on that square go on the fridge. Jerel picks the pictures he wants and I pick the ones I want. As for placement we went with oldest to youngest, top to bottom. Jerel claims that's a bad plan because it means I have more on the top than he does...but for the most part it's working for us.
As you can see in the picture of our fridge here, there is only enough room for 2 more kids. Amy & Ryan are expecting and we recently found out Theresa & Josh are expecting as well. At first I thought we would simply have to ban the rest of you from further procreation. But that seemed a little too Chinese-governmentesque so I've come up with an alternative solution that I think will work quite nicely.
I would hate to limit the expansion of anyone's family, so I thought I would generously allow you to have more children, but the next sibling to conceive will need to buy us a larger refrigerator to accomodate our need for more picture-posting space. It is the only fair solution. I found one online, KitchenAid - Architect Series II 29.7 Cu. Ft. Built-In Side-by-Side Refrigerator, that I think would work quite nicely. It measures 4' by about 7' so that should give us room for plenty more nieces and nephews. It costs around $7900, but can you really put a price on children?
Hey Mandy, I've been laughing so hard I thought I was gonna need medical attention! Aunt Ellura
I vote for some sort of contest. American idol style. Or maybe I could arrange another UFC type event? Of course it would be a appropriate baby version. Winner get top left and so on?
Sounds perfect to me! (Of course you all realize I'm not having more kids!) But still sounds perfect to me! Except why isn't Elise on top? and since she is the cutest, she should get a little bigger square, don't you think?
Um tab, Elise is on top. Top left because she's the oldest of all of them. She SHOULD get a bigger square of course, but since my most recent picture of her is at least 7 years ago I couldn't really justify it...
I don't think you measured very carefully. The size of refrigerator I am expected to buy, will NOT fit where the existing one is. :)
After prolonged thought [thought is prolonged at my age] I have come up with the perfect solution...take the pictures off of the refrigerator before it topples over and turn your living room wall into the picture gallery. That way everybody can have more kids [except grandma and grandpa, of course] and we can send bigger pictures.
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