Off to Albertson's. Only 1.51 miles away. But the fact that the only other person I saw walking was the yellow man in the picture above should have been a clue that I wasn't really in ideal walking conditions. Anyway, I made it there and got Jerel's milk, some soft taco shells for dinner, and a loaf of that gross 88 cents a loaf bread that Jerel loves. Fortunately the Albertson's has a Starbucks inside so I stopped and got an egg nog creamer with white chocolate. Yummy. It is idea for those of us who love egg nog but find ourselves saying "If only this was a bit richer and sweeter."
Did you know a gallon of milk weighs 8.6 pounds? If I'd known that Jerel would've only gotten a pint. It didn't seem that heavy at the store, but after walking more than 2 miles home I was seriously tempted to just pour some of it out to lighten the load. This is when the handcart would've come in handy. For those of you who pay attention to detail you might be wondering why I walked more than 2 miles home when it's only 1.51 miles each way. That is because I get lost everywhere I go and ended up talking a "shortcut" which was actually called a "dead end." Anyway, in the end there was cereal to be had and tacos for dinner and we gathered around the fire to sing Come, Come, Ye Saints and Atkinson Children Sang as they Walked and Walked and Walked and Walked aaaaand Walked. Well, not that last part, but everything else is true.
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