Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Boring Post--Not Worth Reading

Don't say I didn't warn you! Seriously, I'm not working anymore and have nothing to do besides lay around waiting for Charlie to come! So yesterday I got to work redesigning the layout of our fridge. Those of you who are long-time readers know that I previously asked all family members to stop procreating because we didn't have any more fridge space for nieces/nephews (as you can see from the picture on the left the fridge is full). Despite our kind requests, there are currently two more nieces on the way, so a new design was necessary.

Now instead of 8" x 8" each, the kids only have 6" x 5 3/8" each. It definitely limits the number of pictures of each kid, but it had to be done. (Jerel suggested we go back to his design from before our marriage--meaning only having pictures of HIS nieces and nephews and leaving mine out, but that is not an option!) Anyway, the new layout has a spot for each kid we know about and allows room for 7 more. After that we'll have to draw the line. We happen to have 7 siblings between the two of us, so that gives each one one more kid. If you are in that group and want to have more than that, please contact my sister Tab. She isn't planning to have any more and I bet she'd be willing to negotiate a deal for her spot!

Anyway, we sure do love our nieces and nephews. They are just hilarious all the time and we wish we could see them all more often!

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