Thursday, November 19, 2009

Rolling Over

Isaiah had his four-month checkup last week. He's now 15.5 pounds and 26 inches--still quite a bit ahead of the curve. The doctor asked me if he rolls over yet and I had to say no. Later that day I told Jerel about it and put Isaiah down on his tummy and he rolled right over. Then he did it 4 or 5 more times so I got it on video. Since that day he has not rolled over at all. Jerel works with him--including demonstrating for him--but no more rolling. Wait, I can't get the video to upload. Try this instead: while looking at the still picture, pick up your computer and turn it upside down in a circle. Then you'll pretty much know what it looked like.

1 comment:

greenerm said...

this could be an important self defense move if he ever needs to roll off of something. Like maybe one of those tacks from clothes. Way to motivate him to meet his growth and development goals. Life's tough then you learn to roll over.