Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Another day at the beach

This is the face Zay makes when you ask him to smile.  A bit scrunchy, but cute in its own way.  Jerel's aunts come to the Oregon coast every summer. They grew up in Eugene so they come and bring along some of their kids and grandkids. We usually meet them for dinner here in town while they're on their way out, but this time we decided to go spend the day with them at the coast. Isaiah had fun playing with Jerel's cousin's kid Mason (not to be confused with my nephew Mason), eating lots of sand, and getting dirtier than dad likes him to.

The older kids were down in the water surfing and playing and Zay kept looking down there so I decided it was time for his first dip in the ocean. Jerel rolled his eyes and had his "this isn't going to go well" look but I never let that deter me. Zay had fun being down by the water, up until the water actually touched his toes (it was really cold). It startled him so he sat down, so then his whole bottom half was cold and wet and he screamed. Miraculously he survived the ordeal with no permanent damage!

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