Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The toddler bed. Ugh.

Since we'll be needing our crib for #2 in a little while, we are working on switching ZayZay to a toddler bed. As you can see it's a pretty slow process. Here he is sleeping behind the bedroom door (he can't open doors yet so he gets up, cries, then comes and stands at the door and knocks) where he apparently fell back to sleep during a nap. The spot on the floor is also just about as far away from the toddler bed as you can get. He mostly does okay if he falls asleep elsewhere and we put him in the bed after he's asleep, but of course it would be nicer if we could just put him in there and he put himself to sleep. I'm hopeful it will happen someday since he used to do that in his crib, but if anyone wants to cross their fingers for us we'd appreciate it! Once we get him sleeping better we'll move him to his new room (the old office which I finally finished painting) and #2 will take his place in the nursery.
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