Saturday, May 5, 2012

Please grow.

Having a small kid is so weird to us.  We're both small so we should've expected something like this.  But we started out with Isaiah who was always very big for his age, and when you've only had one kid you become convinced that ALL kids are just like that one.  So shrimpy little Eliza has definitely confused us!  She'll be 18 months in a few weeks here and still hasn't hit 20 pounds.  Isaiah was 20 pounds by the time he was 7 months old.  I bought her this outfit when she was still new and had figured she'd probably be okay to squeeze into this 12-18 month size this summer.  So here we are and I like the outfit so much I made her wear it but she just tripped over it all day (and this is with two folds at the waist).

That said, Liza Mae is just perfect!  She's so cute and small and adorable.  And because she's so little people are always doubly delighted when she does toddler-ish things like saying words and such.  So I'll just pack up the cute clothes until next year and enjoy my little one while she's still little!

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