Having lived in SE Idaho and in Utah for several years I've experienced enough real snow to know how funny this is to people who aren't from the northwest. From 6am-11am, and again from 5pm until, well, probably all night, they have been having special news broadcasts describing the "Arctic Blast," the "treacherous conditions," and the "blizzard-like conditions" here in Oregon. We got about an inch and a half of snow. Every school district around here is closed tomorrow, they sent us home from church after Sacrament meeting, etc. I remember walking to classes in Rexburg with my head tucked down and my snot literally frozen in my nose and there was not even the hope that they would cancel classes. But here you get a flake or two and it's mayhem.
In some ways it makes sense because no one here can drive in the snow (except Jerel) and they don't really even de-ice or sand the roads, they just tell everyone to stay home. I'm thinking I may have to make Jerel drive me to work tomorrow. Even after 5 years living in snow-prone places I still cannot drive in the snow. I mean, I can hardly stay on the road on a bright sunny day, snow and ice is just not a good idea.
Our backyard neighbors are a family in our ward with a daughter in my Primary class. She came and sat with me at church today and I invited them to come over later and play in our yard. We have a bigger yard than they do, thus lots more snow, and no children (yet) to play in it. So Marianne came over with her two kids--Aria and Nathan--while Jerel was home teaching and we played in the snow, had a snowball fight, and generally froze to death. We came in and while I made hot chocolate (the fake kind, not the real kind my mom makes with that special ingredient) Marianne (who is significantly taller than me) decorated the top third of my tree. I had done it as high as I could reach standing on a chair but we have a 9 1/2 foot tree. Good thing I have tall friends! She even put the angel on top that my Grandma Mosbarger made before she died. Jerel is arguing that it should have a star, but I say grandma-home-made-angel trumps store-bought star any day.
we only have about 5 inches of snow here in Colorado but we were 20 below this morning. Cold enough to keep some vehicles from starting. One of those frozen snot days! Aunt Ellura
So, we got 4 inches. I'd consider that an arctic blast. Now who's making fun?? I hope we get more snow and it stays until Christmas!!
(How's Paisley?) -Theresa
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