You can see that instead of just looking like a blob Paisley now has a distinct head blob, an arm blob, and a body blob. She is coming along quite nicely. By the end of this week she won't even have a tail anymore. It is always a big moment as a parent when your child looks less like a reptile and more like an infant. She is now a whopping 28mm long (for those of you who are American and use the most ridiculous measuring system ever invented, that is about 1.1 inches). I was telling Jerel that one of the books said at this point the baby's arm is about the length of a printed number 1 in 12-pt. font. He was supposed to say "Wow. It's amazing how something so small and delicate will one day become our beautiful child." What he actually said was "Hm. So our kid's kind of stubby."
That's the latest on our stubby little Pasiley. The next ultrasound is in about 2 weeks so we'll have another update then.
Stubby little Pasiley is beautiful. It is a joy to see little pasiley already. Love Grandma.
I think it's so cute that at 1.1" you can't wait for everyone to see your baby. Because by the time they hit 4'10", you may not always want to claim every inch of them! Then they're more of an annoying blob! haha. Tab.
So, I know we have never met but I saw your post about your time at the BYU JC in 2000. I was there for the fall semester in 2000 and just wrote a book about it! The website is www.byujc.org if you are interested.
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