Sunday, August 16, 2009

Pick me! Pick me! Pick me!

 Thanks to Bambi for capturing one of Isaiah's favorite tricks. He loves to raise his hand in his sleep. I'm not really sure why he does it but it cracks me up. It becomes even more hilarious when I add my own commentary "Raise your hand if you love mommy the best" or "raise your hand if you think mommy's the most beautifulest girl ever" etc. What can I say? It turns out daytime TV is lame so Isaiah and I have to entertain ourselves!

Today I went back to teaching Primary so Isaiah had 2 full hours of Daddy time. Jerel says he wasn't all that cooperative, which is probably because I packed him a 4-ounce bottle and he wanted more than that. I'd say "live and learn" but it does make you feel bad when your living and learning results in a starving baby!
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Thursday, August 13, 2009

Babies holding babies...

 It was a big day for visitors at our house yesterday. Rick came down from Bremerton with two of his boys. Cooper is the little one and he is still afraid of me, but he did agree to sit down and hold the baby (with me close by to catch him just in case). Asher is the older one and in case you're wondering why he looks so dazed it's because he has TV Disease. It's herditary--he got it from his mom--and basically if the TV is on he is completely unaware of anything going on around him. You can ask him anything and he'll just say "Uh huh." Anyway, they came down and we met Bambi & Donathan for lunch, so that was fun. Asher came in my car and held Isaiah's pacifier in his mouth which made for a much quieter-than-usual ride. After that we came home and spent a few minutes with Jerel's aunts before running a few errands and then the boys headed back home. (By the way Isaiah stayed home with Jerel while we ran errands so it was my first time out without him...he reluctantly takes a bottle when necessary now so I have a whole new sense of freedom.)
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Isaiah meets his Great Aunts

 Yesterday two of Jerel's aunts came through town on their way to the coast. Aunt Kay and Aunt Betty both got to hold the little guy and he was fairly cooperative. Betty was here just a few days before Isaiah was born so we were lucky to get to see her again so soon! They are Jerel's dad's sisters and we are hoping Grandpa Atkinson won't be too jealous that his sisters got to see the baby before he did...It's pretty much a first-come, first-serve deal around here!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Our sweet little guy

What a cute little fellow! I was so excited when I woke up this morning because Isaiah had slept through the night for the first time. Wow--what a super-advanced baby we have, sleeping through the night already! I mentioned it to Jerel later and he looked at me like I was crazy and told me he had been up with the baby until 1am and really it was just ME who slept through the night, not Isaiah.

He is starting to be a little more fun--he even smiled at dad the other day while they were "going on a bike ride." This doesn't involve any actual bicycles, just Jerel pumping Isaiah's legs and talking about the bike ride they're on. I told Jerel he needs to put a helmet on Isaiah before he rides a bike, but he didn't seem too concerned.
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Monday, August 3, 2009

The real Isaiah comes out . . .


These are the times when it's handy that he has two middle names because then we can use both of them and he knows he's really in trouble! I think he might be having a growth spurt or something because he is super cranky.
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