Sunday, August 16, 2009

Pick me! Pick me! Pick me!

 Thanks to Bambi for capturing one of Isaiah's favorite tricks. He loves to raise his hand in his sleep. I'm not really sure why he does it but it cracks me up. It becomes even more hilarious when I add my own commentary "Raise your hand if you love mommy the best" or "raise your hand if you think mommy's the most beautifulest girl ever" etc. What can I say? It turns out daytime TV is lame so Isaiah and I have to entertain ourselves!

Today I went back to teaching Primary so Isaiah had 2 full hours of Daddy time. Jerel says he wasn't all that cooperative, which is probably because I packed him a 4-ounce bottle and he wanted more than that. I'd say "live and learn" but it does make you feel bad when your living and learning results in a starving baby!
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1 comment:

The Shoup Bomb Diggities said...

I just wanted to say I've seen that trick in person. I'm one of the luckiest people ever! "Raise your hand if Theresa's so cool!"