Thursday, May 6, 2010

Faith vs. Surgery

This picture is a few weeks ago. This week has been way too cold to be outside. Isaiah is learning new things entirely too quickly. This morning I was watching last night's episode of SVU while Isaiah was playing on the floor in the living rom. I glanced over and he was 3 steps up on the stairs. He's tried stairs before and never got anywhere. Later I went right behind him and he crawled all the way to the top! Right now he's screaming in his playpen. I told him if he played on the stairs he could get hurt and so I'd have to put him in his playpen to keep him safe. He's only 10 months old so I just put him in for a minute or so but he sure gets mad! I guess we'll have to get a gate.

Have I told you that Isaiah talks? Okay, I know he's too young and there's no way he's really talking, but all the time he hands us things and says "Here you go." It's more like "Heergo" and it's always in a whisper voice. But it's so situation-appropriate that I'm starting to get suspicious that he knows what he's saying. He also says "Wherego?" if you hide something or if someone leaves the room. Strange.

I was teaching the older Primary kids on Sunday about faith. There were about 35 kids there, ages 7-11. I told them a story about a time Jerel and I were on the freeway at night in the snow and ran out of gas seven miles from the next town. I mentioned in the story that I was pregnant at the time (although when Jerel and I talked about it after church I realized the timing was wrong and I hadn't been pregnant when this happened.) Anyway, so we were stuck and said a prayer for help and then some nice Mormons stopped and drove us to the gas station, etc. After telling the story I asked the kids what I had to have to be able to fix the situation (looking for the answer "faith.") Instead one of the 11-year-old boys said "a C-section?" and then it was all hysterics and no one learned a thing about faith. The teachers all laughed, and then I laughed while the younger kids asked the teachers what a c-section was. I tried to just calmly say that the c-section came months later and all I needed at the time was faith, but it was all over by then. I love Primary.
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