Friday, April 16, 2010

An Exciting Night on the Town

We stopped at Subway for a $5 Footlong to split and then headed to a park to eat. It's not really quite warm enough for a picnic yet, but we went for it anyway.

This is Isaiah's first time in a swing. As you can tell he had a really good time. Not so much a fan of the slide, but that's okay. Lately he's a bit of a fraidy cat--he's afraid of the hand vacuum, puppets, and those ever-frightening soccer balls...We'll definitely have to toughen him up.
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Erika said...

What a totally adorable picture! I owe you a photo shoot, by the way.

That's hilarious that he's scared of soccer balls. :)

trudy said...

what a cutie!! He wants spikes in his hair just like his dad.