Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Isaiah's 9-month Stats

Isaiah had his 9-month checkup this week. He's 30 inches (93rd percentile) and 21 pounds (57th percentile). Yep, he's lost a pound. He decided a couple of weeks ago that he doesn't like baby food anymore. The only things he'll eat are peaches, pears, and cheese-flavored baby puffs (which are basically Cheetos). He mostly just wants to eat whatever is on our plates rather than his. But, as you can see, it's not like he's wasting away or anything! This does, however, make him too tall for his infant car seat so we're now shopping for a convertible one that will fit in my tiny tiny car.

You can't see it too well in this picture because of the sunlight, but Isaiah's hair sticks straight up all the time. You can wet it down flat but as soon as it dries it right back sticking up. People are always commenting on it and asking either what product I put in it to make it stick up, or how his hair got so static-y.

He has four teeth now, which is exciting for me. I'm definitely best with baby-teeth-aged kids. Before they have baby teeth they're just these little blobs that I don't know what to do with. And once they start losing their baby teeth they're sort of like real people (who I also don't know what to do with). So I like the baby teeth phase. We'll have a good 5 or 6 years and then who knows what I'll do!
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