Friday, April 9, 2010

When the cat's away the mice will play!

Jerel went to Singapore for work and I was too scared to stay home by myself with Isaiah. Not scared of robbers, but scared of taking care of Isaiah. I am so used to Jerel rescuing me at 4 o'clock every day! Anyway, Theresa & her kids, Elise, and my mom came down for a while. This picture is Isaiah and I at the Portland Children's Museum. We took the Max down and Theresa's kids were so excited because they'd never been on a train before. It was fun. On the way back we took the long way so that they could ride the train over the river. It ended up being the extra long way back because I couldn't remember which stop I'd parked the car at, so we ended up passing it and having to get off and wait for a train going back the other direction...oops.

While they were here it was my mom's birthday. We decided to have a surprise party. Never tell a 4 and 6 year old about an upcoming surprise party. We told them not to tell Grandma, but they would say things like "Grandma, we're making a cake for your surprise party...just kidding! We're not having a cake or a party for your birthday!" Mom played along nicely and we all hid in the kitchen with the lights off (those kids are the loudest hiders ever) and she pretended she didn't know we were in there so that we could all jump up and yell "Surprise!" Theresa made her a cake and then us kids all went in on a couple good kitchen knives she wanted.

Earlier that day we went to the Tillamook Cheese Factory. Theresa spent forever staring at the cheese being made and Mom spent forever in the gift shop looking at all the rooster knick-knacks. Elise spent forever on the phone with everyone to see what they wanted to get Mom for her birthday. Then we stood in a loooong line for ice cream. I've never seen it so busy there, but it was still fun. We even drove through some snow on the way. Of course I immediately pulled over and Theresa pulled up beside me (we didn't all fit in one car) and we both rolled our windows down and yelled "IT'S SNOWING!" and then continued driving.

Elise was a big helper taking care of the kids. She even changes diapers! Wow! She needs to move in with us! Jerel made it home safe and sound and we're so glad to have him back!
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1 comment:

Jessica said...

Awww your kids are so kute, I love the part about the "suprise party". lol