Friday, March 25, 2011

lingering effects of pregnancy

No, I'm not talking about how I'm still wearing maternity clothes, although that is true...I am still suffering from "pregnancy brain" which is basically when your brain stops working while you're pregnant. It seems to have turned into a chronic condition for me (of course, it sort of seems like pregnancy was becoming a chronic condition for me too...) Anyway, my tired brain mixed up Zay's size 4 huggies with Liza's size 1 huggies, which is why the diaper comes up to her armpits in this picture. In my defense both size diapers are the same color. And I think this mistake is easier to make than accidentally putting a size 1 on Zay!

In other news, now that it's the end of March and I'm definitely not pregnant, I think it's safe to say that 2011 will be known as the year the Atkinson's didn't have a baby... having one in 2009 and 2010 made me scared I was going to turn into one of those ladies who seem to be perpetually pregnant! And as much "fun" as we're having with 2 under 2 we've decided to leave 3 under 3 for braver, more energetic souls.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I must have pregnancy brain too! Did you hear Elise and I went to Red Lobster (For lunch, so we can afford it!). When we came out afterwards we found I had left my car running and unlocked in the parking lot in Tacoma the whole time! Good thing it's not so cool that anyone would want to steal it! And in case you wonder, I do read your blog, religiously. I'm going to start mine again, since I found you can post it on fb, then I don't have to write the same things twice!


ps, anytime you want to come up, we miss you. We have a whole basement apartment empty....