Sunday, April 24, 2011

Eliza's Heart: The Saga Continues

I wanted a post title that would make it sound really dramatic, even though it isn't. So we had our early follow-up appointment with Eliza's cardiologist. (See earlier post for the back story)  I was all ready to announce that she only has 5 holes in her heart now (she had 6 before) but then I heard Jerel telling someone she has 3.  So now I'm all confused.  My version is that she still has one PDA (she had two before) and all four of the VSD's.  All of the holes she has are either the same size or smaller, so that's good.  We are set for another checkup in 6 more months to see how things are going.  The doctor seemed confident things would continue to improve and didn't anticipate any treatment being required.

So it was pretty funny because the reason we had to go in early for a follow-up was that our pediatrician was concerned because Eliza's weight had plateaued and that could indicate that she's having difficulty eating due to her heart problems.  Or it could indicate that she has two particularly small parents.  We are fully aware of this and realize we're pushing our luck hoping for at least one of our children to break through the 5-foot barrier.  Anyway, the doctor was trying to explain that he didn't think her heart was causing any growth issues, and said something like "Well, it could just be that...I mean...well, neither of you are the tallest people in the world..."  I just thought it was funny that he was tiptoeing around it, as if we aren't already well aware of the fact that we're short and that normal people don't need a step stool in each room of their house.  We're glad she seems to just be shrimpy, rather than being unhealthy.  He also commented at one point that babies who are malnourished because of heart problems don't tend to have rolls on their thighs like she does.  Maybe he thought we were in there because we were super paranoid?  We just went because the pediatrician told us to.  But even so, I do wish she'd grow; I'm getting bored of her 3-month size outfits.  By the way, this picture is in her current church outfit.  It's a dress my mom bought her that reminded her of a dress her little sister used to have.
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