The night before, the muffin fairy visited our house. I had told Tammy I'd bring muffins for the Second Breakfast meal that preceded the Easter egg hunt. Then I got a terrible cold. By Friday evening, I decided I'd just buy a muffin mix and do the easy way. By Friday slightly later in the evening, I decided I'd just buy already made muffins. I told Jerel my plan and he volunteered to go buy a muffin mix for me so all I'd have to do was mix it up in the morning. And then, I put my tooth under my pillow--wait, wrong fairy--And then, I went to sleep while he went to the store. Magically when I got up in the morning, there were fabulous made from scratch muffins all ready to go!
And so, while the TRUE meaning of Easter is the best part of Easter, the second best part of Easter is definitely watching cute kids hunt for eggs that are right out in the open in the "Ages 0-3" field at Tammy's house! (The third best part of Easter comes later tonight when I sample the chocolate in the baskets Grandma Atkinson sent...)
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