Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A few random pictures

I decided to stop eating sugar for the month of August and that included cutting out as many white flour items as I could.  We have some whole wheat flour Jerel's dad ground for us so Zay and I have been making bread about once a week.  Zay loves to make his own tiny loaf, which he kneads, shapes, and places in the tiny bread pan.  My loaves keep falling and having other problems; Zay's always turn out perfectly!
Isaiah loves loves loves trains, so we took the light rail to the zoo last month.  He thought it was pretty fun riding a train--I think mostly because he could stand up rather than be strapped in a carseat.
Here's Zay with a giraffe.  Our friend Emma has a family zoo pass that allows one guest to come.  Since Zay & Emma & Eliza are all still free, we use the pass for me.  Heidi & I are in the primary presidency together so we always have lots to chat about.
 I know this isn't a fine example of my limited photography skills, but I really like this picture.  It captures one of the first times when Zay & Liza were actually "playing" together.  Zay likes to show Liza how to crawl and roll and such.  He also tattles on her already "GaGa not listening."  As if I don't already know that...He also growls at her if she doesn't cooperate with him, which I am ashamed to admit is something he learned from me.  I didn't want to be one of those moms who yells all the time.  Instead I'm a growler.  Not really any better.
And here's sweet Eliza.  She's getting so big lately!  I definitely prefer older babies to the newborn stage, so for me she's getting to be more and more fun.  She laughs & giggles, is super ticklish, and even likes to cuddle sometimes.

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