Saturday, September 10, 2011

Mandy Plus Eight

Scout camp came up this summer and we were having a hard time getting enough parents and other volunteers to go help the cubs.  I finally told our primary president, "Look, I could go to camp, but I really don't want to.  How about volunteering me to babysit children for other moms who are willing to go?"  And so she did, which was great because I'd much rather stay and play with the girls than go to camp and play with the boys.  It just so happened that I ended up babysitting all of them on the same day.  So I had one 8-month-old, four 2-year-olds, one 3, one 5, and one 10.  The 10 was a sister of two of the 2's and she was a HUGE help.  It was a pretty funny chaotic day of diapers and sippy cups and although by "funny chaotic day" I mean "I almost died it was so crazy" I still stick with my decision to stay home with the girls rather than venture into the unknown (and probably life threatening) world of Cub Camp!

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