Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Look who's getting huge!

Here's a side-by-side of Isaiah at 1 month and 6 months. He is getting so big! He had his 6-month checkup last week and he's now 18 pounds 12 ounces (compared to 8 pounds 8 ounces at birth). He's 28 inches long now (compared to 21 inches at birth) and his head is, well, I don't remember, but it's pretty big (compared to not as pretty big at birth). His weight is at the 69th percentile and his height is at the 91st percentile.

Isaiah is a big faker now--if you laugh, even if nothing's funny, he will do this fake little laugh back. It's nice to see that he is already learning to humor me. I mean, I think I'm pretty hilarious, but I understand that other people might not agree...as Jerel reminds me every time I do my gangster voice...it's so funny. I'll use my gangster voice and say to Isaiah "Hey. You...in the onesie." and it will leave you rolling on the floor laughing (or rotfl for those of you younger ones who only speak text). Anyway, when I say it, it totally sounds like I'm in the mafia, wearing a trenchcoat to hide my weapons or something and can you imagine a mafia guy talking about onesies? Jeez, I'm laughing just thinking about it. But truthfully it's not really funny at all so I'm glad Isaiah fakes laughs for me.

He is sort of sitting up now. If you start him out balanced he'll last for maybe a minute or so. Just long enough for me to think he's got it down, so I look away, and that's when he flops over onto his face. Of course it's not really all that surprising that he sits up; all he has to do is lean forward slightly so that his big belly rests on his knees and he's all set! He's a cute boy and we love him lots.
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1 comment:

greenerm said...

he'll probably start to object to the onesies side by sides in a few years. Thought if you can get him to continue into his teen years I would fully support that.