Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Large & Spacious Belly

I would hate for my baby to be squished or cramped in any way, so even though he is only 4 or 5 inches long these days I thought I should add at least 87 million inches to my stomach so that he'd have enough room...Also, my body apparently thinks I am also carrying a baby in each thigh because they are rapidly expanding as well.

Speaking of people with enormous tummies, my little sister Theresa is coming to visit this weekend with her two kids. #3 is due in three weeks, which explains why Theresa currently has an enormous tummy. Plus her baby is like 3 or 4 weeks bigger than it's supposed to be. Fun for her...Anyway, little Monroe is of course way more excited to see Uncle Jerel than Aunt Mandy, but I think I still win with Eve.

We got to talk to our niece Ellie on the phone last night. She is barely two and just a doll. I put her on speakerphone and she sang songs for us. My favorite is that she sings the ABC song but when it gets to "now I know my ABC's" she says "now I know my A B C D E F G..." and the song starts over in a never-ending loop.

That's all the excitement around here. We'll post more ultrasound pictures in about 2 more weeks.


greenerm said...

Is this the before picture? I'm so funny. At what age are big brother's supposed to stop picking on their sisters?

Anonymous said...

Awww, I missed this post. Mandy all getting large. So cute! -Theresa