Monday, June 21, 2010

Family Photo

Here's our second-ever family photo. The first one is a snapshot someone took of us when Isaiah was 2 months old...We had this one taken on the cruise. You'd never know that Jerel threw up just before and just after the picture was taken--it was a very rough day at sea and about half the people on the boat were sick. When Jerel saw the picture he said "Isaiah's not even smiling" which I think means he wants to go have our pictures done somewhere again...

When I went to buy the picture it was a full-length shot. I wanted it to not show my pregnant belly because we don't have a family picture where it's just us and Isaiah, so I wanted it to be just the three of us. He'll be plenty neglected when the next baby comes and I want him to have pictures to remind him that at one point it was just him. Anyway, I was asking the picture guy if they could crop it down so my belly didn't show and this lady in line behind me got all upset, "You're just going to crop your baby out of the picture?!" Yes, that's exactly what I'm going to do. She grumbled about it and I really thought it was none of her business, but I never know what to say when strangers are annoying like that. Rick later suggested I should have told her that it didn't make sense to have my pregnant belly showing when I had already scheduled my partial-birth abortion....Rick always knows what to say to make people shut up. It will probably get him killed some day, since he actually says things like that to people, but it's still entertaining. And lest there be any confusion, there is not any abortion in my future, and I am not trying to crop the baby out of my life, just out of this one picture so that Isaiah can have his time in the spotlight.
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Erika said...

Wow, how weird that she would get all offended like that. Some people are crazy.

BeHappyHome said...

I love the picture!

greenerm said...

this Rick guy sounds pretty interesting. It takes a special skill to make a partial term abortion joke. Thank goodness for sarcasm.

Laura said...

haha too funny!