Monday, June 28, 2010

Our neglected baby

Did you know I'm pregnant? Sometimes I forget. I just get so busy with Isaiah that I don't really think about it. People will ask me how far along I am and I never really know. (I just looked at the calendar so I can let you know I'm 18 weeks along). With Isaiah I could've been like "Oh, I'm 17 and 4/7 weeks. The baby is starting to develop fingernails now!" or whatever happens at that stage of development. I'm thinking once the kitchen remodel is done I'll think about it more. At that point we'll have to move everything out of the office since the office is going to be Nursery II. If this one's a boy they'll share a room but not until it's like 6 months old or so and sleeps through the night. But for now I just don't really think about it. I switched my closet from Regular Clothes to Maternity Clothes, I take medicine for my near-daily pregnancy headaches, and other than that it's just life as usual.

At one point when I was a teenager I became convinced that I was adopted. There are very few pictures of me as a baby and it seemed to me the only logical explanation was that my family didn't get me until later. In reality, my brother was the first baby so there are a million pictures of him. Then my older sister was the first girl so there are a million pictures of her. Then my little sister they knew was the last baby so there are a million pictures of her. Me? Just another kid. Anyway, I'm posting this ultrasond picture so that someday when this baby grows up and thinks he/she is adopted and I can have proof that he/she wasn't adopted, just neglected. Sometime in July we find out if it's a boy or girl. I really really really wanted Isaiah to be a girl but that didn't really work out. Now it sort of seems like it would be easier if this one is a boy because I haven't even packed up Isaiah's baby clothes yet (because he still IS a baby) and plus they could be bff and play together. So two boys, then my girl, then we'll be done. In case anyone wondered what our long-term family plan was. If this one is a girl, then maybe one more or maybe not. Either way it'll be a while--no more of this two babies at once stuff!
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