Monday, July 5, 2010

Owen Beach Family Reunion

Rick and I threw together a last-minute family reunion at Owen Beach (part of Pt. Defiance park).  We didn't plan it far enough in advance to have everyone there, but we did have 30 people or so from my dad's side of the family.  The weather was perfect, unless you're a baby--Isaiah had had enough of the sun after a few hours.  First he rubbed the sunscreen into his eyes, then later I realized I should've sprayed it onto his head so now his scalp is a bit burned.  I think spending a whole day outside (after a three hour drive to get there) just wore the little guy out.  But overall he was in a good mood.

Here are the stars of the show--my grandma and her sisters--that's my grandma on the right.  They are the cutest, I think not one of them quite hits 5 feet tall, and they're nice as can be.  My grandma is planning to move from AZ to Bremerton pretty soon so it will be nice to see her more often. 

Okay, so I think it's funny how with babies at this age we get all excited to put them next to each other so they can "play" but really they have absolutely no interest in each other.  This is Zay with his cousin Clara and you can see they're not really into interacting with each other.  The only time they approach each other is when one has a binky and the other doesn't; it's fun to see which one is more of a bully.  Zay has the size advantage, but Clara spends time at the daycare Theresa works at so she's used to defending herself against a dozen kids at once.

When do kids learn how to color and draw?  Isaiah liked to hold the chalk and tried to eat it several times, but made no attempts at making lines with it even after I showed him.  Good thing he was happy to just wander around with a piece in each hand.  Sadly his outfit didn't have any pockets in it--his new thing is he loves it when you take his toy and put it in his pocket and then he says "where'd it go?" like you're playing peek-a-boo.

See the rest of the pictures here.


rickandivy said...

Several questions
1. did you steal some of my photos?
2. how did you create this post with the white frames and different sizes?
3. How did Jerel feel about me burying "zay" in rock(I like zay because I can't seem to spell it the correct way)
4. I'm burned to a crisp while Ivy and the boys have nice tans. What kind of pale genes did we get?

Eric and Sarah said...

That's a pretty fabulous picture.