Saturday, July 31, 2010

Our little chief's other grandpa

Did you know Isaiah is part Native American? Yep, it's true. Here he is standing by a statue of Chief Massasoit, his great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandfather (13 greats in there). Massasoit basically met the pilgrims, taught them how to farm, and essentially prevented the failure of Plymouth Colony. So in some small round about way you all sort of owe your entire existence to Isaiah. Or at least his 13th great grandpa. You can learn all about Massasoit here.  Zay (and Jerel) descend from Massasoit's daughter Amie.  This statue of Massasoit is at BYU (not really sure why, as his tribe was in Massachusetts) and there is another statue of him at the capitol building in Utah. Sadly Zay is less than .05 % Native American so he'll still have to pay taxes. At least now we know why he screams so much--he's practicing his war cry!
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