Saturday, July 31, 2010

It's a zoo over here!

As if 14 grandkids didn't make for enough of a zoo-like atmosphere, we headed up to Wheeler Farm for some additional chaos. Grandma Atkinson spent her summers as a kid riding around on tractors and wagons so she wanted all the kids to have a ride too (not all 14 came, just the ones you see here). Before the ride we wandered all over the farm and saw your usual farm animals, tractors, etc. Isaiah didn't really have any interest--I think it was just too hot (close to 100 degrees that day)--but he behaved himself nicely. Karee let us borrow her double stroller so Zay and Jocelyn (2 weeks older than Zay) were in the stroller the whole time. It was good practice for Jerel since we'll be demoted to double-stroller status in a few more months. After the wandering around the kids fed some birds and then had a picnic lunch. We skipped out on lunch because Zay has been having a hard time in the heat so we took him home to the air conditioning to cool off. We had a fun time and the rest of the pics will be posted soon.
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