Saturday, July 31, 2010

The Booger Barn

Actually it's Burger Bar but Jerel's mom kept forgetting what it was called. Burger Bar is in Roy, Utah. We (Mandy, Jerel, ZayZay, and Grandma Atkinson) drove up to Preston, ID to visit Jerel's grandparents and on the way we stopped at this Burger Bar place. We heard about it on the show Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives so we decided to check it out. You can see the video of the Burger Bar segment here.  It's an old side-of-the-road joint where you walk up to order, wait in the stifling heat, then eat in your car. They are famous for their Big Ben burger, which is what I had. I asked what comes on it because I don't like gross things like lettuce or other veggies on my burgers, and ketchup wasn't even on the list. I forgot we are in Utah where everything has fry sauce (mayo & ketchup combo) instead of ketchup. So I did the Big Ben, ketchup only, and a pb cup milkshake. The milkshakes were more like a DQ blizzard, which was fine by me. Jerel was kidnapped on the way there and replaced by some man I don't know who likes to try new foods, so he got the buffalo burger--as in, made with meat from a buffalo. He said it tasted just like a regular burger. They come on homemade buns, which were especially yummy. Trudy got the little Ben and a shake. We all agreed that it was good food, the buns were excellent, and it was okay since it was on our way somewhere. But Jerel says he'd never go out of his way to eat there and that "out of his way" means more than 1 block from his normal route. But I thought it was pretty delicious, but would've been deliciouser if they had an air-conditioned eating area!
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