Friday, June 18, 2010

handicapped eagle

Or should I say an eagle with a handicap...I can't keep track of the pc way to say things. Anyway, at the top of the tram ride we went to see this bald eagle. We were looking for a ramp to use since we had Isaiah in his stroller. I saw this sign which indicates the route for people on wheels, and then I thought "Hey, that's funny, that sign makes it look like it's pointing to where you can see a handicapped eagle!" and I pictured an eagle riding around in a wheelchair. Apparently this wasn't just a thought I had, it was something I actually said outloud, because the ranger guy responded with, "Yes, she is blind in one eye and missing a foot" or something like that. So it really WAS a handicapped eagle, which made it less funny (or more funny?) that the sign made it look like it was directing you to a handicapped eagle...Anyway, I hope I didn't make the eagle feel bad about her disability, she looked a little ferocious.

Also, on the topic of bald eagles, when I was a kid my grandma and I took painting lessons together. One of my masterpieces was a painting of a bald eagle. I gave it to my mom as a gift. I forgot about it until one time I noticed it hanging in her closet on the wall behind where all her clothes hang, so it was completely hidden. She tried to convince me she hung it there because then she could see it every morning when she picked out her clothes but I was too smart to buy that. In truth my paintings weren't any good, but I still think she should've hung it somewhere a bit more prominent.
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