Monday, December 22, 2014

A few random happenings

Before you have kids you hear a lot about the many roles parents take on--chef, nurse, chauffeur, etc.  What no one told me about was that I would also take on the roles of table, chair, bed, and desk.  So here I am being Eliza's desk while she does some summer school :)  She really lucked out--this desk comes with a built-in encourager/praiser PLUS a marker holder!

The kids and I went to visit my old roommate Sarah in Lincoln City.  Super fun to see her house and all the upgrades they've done (which I've previously only viewed on her blog).  We spent a little bit of time at the beach, then visited a lighthouse, had some lunch, and then whined the whole way home in the car.  Good times!  Also, Zay Zay had this like 3-day phase where he wore his hair spiky.

I don't remember the occasion, but this is like my all-time favorite group of kids--Isaiah & Eliza, Ellie & Isaac & Max, and Esther & Raquel & Sarah & Mauro.  My kids used to play well with them; now they don't really care.  But I like the moms so much that I make them play together anyway :)

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