Monday, December 22, 2014

Swimming Lessons

The kids took several sessions of swimming lessons over the summer.    Here are some pics from Isaiah's class, level 2.

It's Oregon, so we swim outside even when it's raining.  They only close the pool if there is lightning.  Or, as we discovered one time, if a child throws up in the pool.  So this rainy day at the pool was my absolute favorite.  The lady sitting next to me watching the kids said "They really should put up a roof over this pool, don't you think?"  I looked at her like this, "?" and she said, "I mean when it's raining like this, those poor kids will get all wet!"  Sometimes it is very hard not to laugh at people who say dumb things like that.  But I didn't.  I just smiled and nodded.  Maybe swimming isn't the best class if you prefer your child not get wet?  Just a thought.

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