Monday, December 22, 2014

Speaking of waterfalls...

It turns out we didn't really need to go all the way to Stewart Falls for a waterfall.  While we were gone, the outside water spigot was turned on and left on for several hours.  It ran into the window well, filled that up, and then started pouring inside the finished basement.  Oops.  Jerel's dad was trying to take care of it with a shop vac, but it quickly became apparent that this was more than a shop vac kind of job.  So they called in the professionals, who set up a dozen or so fans which they left running for several days.  They took out all the wet stuff (carpet, mattresses, sheet rock) and set up an enormous dehumidifier.  A few weeks (and lots of $) later, it's as good as new down there!  Also, Jerel and I no longer put our suitcases right under the window when we visit.  Just in case.

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