Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Some firsts

This year Eliza is attending a little preschool down the street from us.  Lots of folks in our ward go there.  I loved Isaiah's preschool last year; I think it was a perfect fit for him.  But this one is working out well for Eliza and it's nice to have something a bit more conveniently located.  She goes twice a week and loves it!  When the year started there were only 4 students in her class!  Then a fifth one joined, and in January a 6th one.  Still a tiny class!  So twice a week we drop her off at school, then hurry to get Isaiah to school.  And then I have this wide open 90 minutes to myself before it's time to start picking them up.  Actually, one of the days I volunteer at Isaiah's school for that 90 minutes, so it's really only once a week I have that enormous break :)  I loved this moment--Zay helping Eliza get her backpack on for her first day of school!

Sometimes if I'm in the shower or something, Zay will take care of things himself.  I walked downstairs and he said, "Don't worry, mom, I knew you were busy so I got my own yogurt."

Isaiah is our little entrepreneur.  He has really gotten into Lego's lately, and I have not really gotten into buying them for him.  So he saves up bottles and cans, turns them in for a nickel a piece, pays his tithing, and then buys Lego's.  Several neighbors save cans for him, and sometimes we go over the ballpark near our house and pick up empty ones there.  It's been good for him to practice working for something.  

 This was my phone when I was a teenager.  The kids love playing with it.  When Zay first saw it he said "That can't be a real phone, mom, look it has that wire thing connected to it."

While little girls everywhere are tucking their dollies in for the night, Eliza tucks in her cars. They even sleep on their "backs."

Sometimes when Zay does really smart math at home, we take a picture of it and text it to Daddy.  Double praise is awesome!

Here is one of the Lego sets Isaiah bought with his bottle/can money.

This fall Eliza started taking a dance class.  It's a "creative dance" class with a focus on ballet-type movements.  For the first couple of months she absolutely hated going.  She would cooperate once she was in there, but getting her into that leotard and ready to drive over was a nightmare!  Once, a month or so after she started liking it, I  mentioned it was dance day.  She started crying her head off, which was weird.  So I said, "Eliza, did you forget you LIKE your dance class now?"  She immediately stopped crying, "Oh!  I forgot!"  It's VERY exhausting:

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