Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A long winter

Poor Zay LOVES to be outside but it's just too cold out there! So he spends most of his time looking out the front window. I rearranged the furniture a bit so that he can get right up to the window. And I sacrificed my aerobics step so that he can use it as his window seat (truth be told, not much of a sacrifice). Anyway, he loves to stand there and watch the birds or dogs or kids playing basketball. He gets really excited for delivery trucks. And the best part of his whole week is garbage day. We live on a dead end street so he gets to see each truck go by twice and he watches all the way until they disappear around the corner. If I hear the garbage truck coming and he's in the other room I run and get him so he won't miss it. After they leave he stand there and points out the window and says "gone. gone. gone."

He's starting to talk a little bit. He says ball, up, bink, no, broke, and a few others I can't think of right now. It's a bit tricky because he says "no" for both yes and no. And lately he gets to say "broke" a lot because everything in our house is breaking. Last Thursday we woke up to a broken furnace. Dead dead, not repairable. Jerel got the gas fireplace lit, then went to leave for work and his car wouldn't start. He took mine and Zay and I sat down to watch a movie and the DVD player wasn't working. Ugh! Anyway, the car and DVD player are working again and yesterday we got the new furnace installed. While they were here installing it, the dishwasher died. Seriously. So Isaiah thinks everything is broken, and he's usually right. Although now that we have a furnace and have turned off the fireplace, he points at the fireplace all the time and says "broke. broke. broke." So I guess we'll go dishwasher shopping this week....when we remodeled our kitchen last summer we wanted to replace the stove, dishwasher, and fridge with stainless steel appliances but that put us way over budget so we didn't do it. Since then the stove has died and now the dishwasher...I'm sure the fridge will go next *heavy sigh* and they're all only 5 years old! Pretty soon Jerel's going to start thinking I'm breaking them on purpose just so I can get the stainless steel!
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