Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Most beautiful picture ever...

 My apologies to those of you who were hoping for more pictures from my photographer friend. But to anyone out there who's dealt with having 2 kids under 2 years old, you can see the natural beauty of this photo. It was a super long day and Zay refused to take a nap (which he usually does around 11). Around 3pm I suggested he "rest his head" on the couch and within seconds he was asleep--the nap was brought back! As if that wasn't miraculous enough, Liza Lou (just testing out new nicknames to see how they feel) fell asleep too. Hooray! I used this rare opportunity to do something really worthwhile (put away laundry (and if you've ever tried to put away laundry with a crying newborn in one arm and an 18-month-old "helper" dragging along the other arm, you know what a vacation this seemed like!)).

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