Monday, August 6, 2012

Eliza Mae pulls off 1944

Here's our sweetheart in a little shirt I crocheted for her.  I love doing thread crochet, but a person only needs so many I was excited when I found several little girl dress patterns from the 1940's.  They're described as dresses, but they're so short!  Maybe babies back then wanted to show off their designer diapers?  I don't know.  I thought of making it longer and having her wear it as a dress, but she already has a closet full of dresses (borrowed from a friend) so I decided she'd get more use from a shirt.  So here you have it, a full month's worth of my spare time.  Oh, and you get a picture of the back too because I was super excited to find these darling buttons. You can't see the detail here very well, but imagine them as being even more precious than they look!

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