Monday, August 6, 2012

Pioneer Day Party

We had a pioneer day playdate at our house.  It is funny to talk about Pioneer Day outside of Utah.  Most people are like "Pioneer Day?  Oh, is that coming up?"  It's not really a big to-do around here.  In fact it's not really a to-do at all.  Anyway, I whipped up some little aprons for all the kids (correction:  I missed a voicemail letting me know 3 of the kids were coming (who I thought weren't coming) so those 3 didn't get aprons.  Oops.)  So they had aprons and then we made these silly little yarn dolls.  Do they look like lame blobs of yarn in the picture?  Oh ya, that's what they looked like in real life too.  And it was too hard for the kids to do so the moms had to do it.  And then the kids didn't really like them anyway.  *Sigh* things don't always work out in the real world the same way they work out in my head.  But that's okay, the kids had fun playing with each other and I even got most of them (we're missing 2-year-old Charity and 4-month-old Isaac in this picture) to get together for a picture.  These girls are all in our ward, left to right we have Evelyn (I think she's about 10 months?), Ellie (a week older than Eliza), Emma (3), Esther (almost 3), Isaiah (barely 3), Eliza (20 months), and Raquel (12 months).  Have I mentioned I really don't want to leave our ward?

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