Monday, August 6, 2012

Summer Firsts

 Isaiah's had an exciting summer.  Here he is tasting his first bite of ham and cheese sandwich.  They have free lunch at the park here and I take the kids occasionally.  My kids usually refuse to try anything except the cookie and chocolate milk, but this particular day Zay was feeling brave.  He didn't like it (I don't blame him--fake cheese is never good) but he did try it, which is big news around here.

He also tried a fudge-pop and enjoyed it, although he wouldn't take bites.  Anytime a chunk got in his mouth he spit it out (on the carpet).  But still, this is his first attempt at a popsicle.  In the past he's always barely touched his tongue to them (same with ice cream) and declared it "too cold" for consumption.

And, my personal favorite, he is not quite as terrified of the water as he used to be.  He didn't do super well at the slash pad, but then we were at the park on "Water Wednesday" and he went down this little water slide over and over until they closed.  Hooray!  He used to always want to play in water, but then would run out screaming "I'm wet!  I'm wet!"

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