Monday, September 7, 2009


 17 of our 20 nieces and nephews were here this weekend. Here's the rundown on ages & quantities: 1 each of age 12, 10, 9, 8, and 7. 2 of age 5. 1 age 4. 3 age 3. 2 age 2. 1 age 15 months. 2 age 6 months. 1 age 2 months. We have three more who couldn't come and next summer when my sister gets married we'll add one more--her fiance's son--bringing us to 21. And now, I think for the first time since we got married, there are no more currently on the way (that we know of). It was kind of noisy at our house this weekend!
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rickandivy said...

You know how people sit in the woods for hours to catch a prize winning photo of a bird. You should submit this to national geographic for getting all the kids to sit in one place. Years most amazing shot.

Anonymous said...

Hey, my kid isn't smiling, can we take that again?

Jo said...

Yowza. You have an entire flight of nieces and nephews. That's impressive! Hope you're (and family) are doing well!