Isaiah and Jerel watched the BYU football game together on Saturday. You can tell Isaiah was really into it. We enjoyed a lazy Saturday. Good thing too because Sunday has turned out to be a Cranky Baby Day. And the fact that he required 4 diaper changes during church made it a Cranky Daddy Day as well.
Speaking of church, today the dreaded--but inevitable--question came up during my class. "Sister Atkinson, how did that baby get out of your tummy anyway?" I suggested she ask her mom about that and quickly pulled out their coloring sheets as a distraction. But then the worst possible revelation came: there was another girl in the class who knew (approximately) how babies get out of a woman's tummy and she started explaining it while I was frantically handing out coloring sheets and markers. Why is it that the over-educated children are always the loud ones? It's never the quiet kid in the corner who knows about babies' exit routes from the body, it's always the noisy ones who take it upon themselves to educate the rest of the world. I'm sure this conversation happened in several minivans today, "What did you learn in church today" "Oh, Sister Atkinson taught us that babies come out of your . . . "
In other news, we got a new microwave this week. The old one gave us 8 good years before giving up the ghost Monday afternoon. With six months worth of leftovers in the fridge we had to replace it the same day. I realize I'm grasping at straws here, trying to come up with non-baby things for the blog, so I guess I'll just throw in the towel on this one.
1 comment:
we still need a new one. Since our's magically turns on whenever you open the door. I unplug it before opening it. Or Mason says you just have to be quick so it doesn't microwave your hand. I think my option is probably safer.
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