Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Sleeping like a (weird) baby

 When my little sister came to visit a couple months ago she brought her then 4-month-old with her. Whenever she put her down for a nap she gave the baby something to cover her face with because otherwise she wouldn't fall asleep. Uh, weeeeeird-O! Fast forward two months and meet Isaiah who will no longer fall asleep unless he has something covering his face. He will be screaming his head off and you can lay a blanket over his face and he quiets right down, it's the weirdest thing! Anyway, Jerel is afraid Isaiah will suffocate under a blanket (although I do remove it once he's asleep) so the other night I found my eye mask and we used that instead.

PS--if you read my previous post about silly things you can buy for babies, I just checked online and there are several places where you can buy eye masks made just for infants, which actually seems like a great idea to me. Somewhere out there is a mom with a kid wearing a helmet wondering why anyone would ever want an eye mask for their baby. If you're really bored check out www.babylilac.com and see their assortment of $20 eye masks. (Note that the eye mask Isaiah is wearing is one I got free on an airplane.)
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